22nd February 2019 / SMALL STAGE

Maria Pawlikowska-Jasnorzewska

direction and choreography: Dominika Knapik
adaptation and dramaturgy: Tomasz Jękot
set design and costumes: Karolina Mazur
light designe: Wolfgang Macher
music adaptation: Dominika Knapik and Mateusz Flis

A piece – a daring tragicomedy dated back in 1938 – 80 years later still seems to be a very up-to date political commentary. It’s author concentrates on the problem of unwanted and rejected people who become tyrants whenever society’s distraction enables them doing so. The performance’s authors ask, via this classical text, if the history repeats itself. Is our society under the influence of fascist needs and maybe it would be worth to warn it again against it, using this political farce? Who is this WEIRD SISTER – a dictator or a her main opponent, a mother of four or a woman escaping from a compulsory maternity? Perversely, the answers in this political farce are given in the illusion and dance scenes.

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