Wałbrzych Utopia 2.039


7th December 2013,
Main Stage

Zobacz trailer spektaklu:

Direction, music work out: Piotr Ratajczak

Dramaturgy: Michał Pabian

Scenography, costumes: Matylda Kotlińska

Choreography: Arkadiusz Buszko

Lights: Tadeusz Perkowski




Sara Celler – Jezierska, Rafał Kosowski, Karolina Krawiec, Rozalia Mierzicka, Piotr Mokrzycki, Filip Perkowski, Tomasz Pisarek [guest actor], Czesław Skwarek, Ryszard Węgrzyn, Ewelina Żak

Edmund, Bronek, Josef, Christinne, Marysia, Marzenka, Walter, Adela, Jerzy. WAŁBRZYCH UTOPIA 2.039 is a story of an alternative city history, encrypted in biographies, a fantasy about Wałbrzych as  Europe’s Switzerland – the city where liberal and socialistic dream came true.  After war this Impossible Place becomes a meeting point of people connected by the fact they came here some time ago and then left. Wałbrzych after war was like a tabula rasa, keeping records of characters’ biographies, acting as parables. Migrants meetings provoke an explosion of a new reality, in which they  are trying to settle down. Each of them comes up with own identity strategy, with own concept of a Fulfilled Dream city. The city has its own utopia for them. Is this new, wonderful world something W. inhabitants are waiting for?

The performance inspired by reading of „Wałbrzych Inhabitants Diaries”, presented during 14th Dramaturgy Days.