1st September 2018 / MAIN STAGE

text and dramaturgy: Paweł Soszyński
direction: Jakub Skrzywanek
inspired by Olga Drenda the website and book
scenography and costumes: Anna Maria Karczmarska and Mikołaj Małek
light production: Piotr Nykowski
music: Kamil Tuszyński
choreography: Oskar Malinowski
vocal consultations: Anna Mansfeld
photos: Bartek Warzecha

cast: Natasza Aleksandrowitch [g], Agnieszka Bałaga-Okońska [g], Angelika Cegielska, Irena Sierakowska, Irena Wójcik, Kamil Bochniak [g], Michał Kosela, Piotr Mokrzycki, Tomasz Muszyński [g]

Coproduction with The Zagłębie Theatre Sosnowiec.

It’s a not-standard story about ghosts and myths of Polish transformation – a phenomenon, which remains arcane, numerous publications and analysis notwithstanding.

„Transformation” is a key word and a foundation of native narration of the 90’s. What if we were meant to make the first step into democracy and capitalism once again? Is a different Polish history after 1989 possible? In „The Polish Hauntology” the ideology is mixed with a fairy tale, science with myth and faith with magic.

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