1st July 2016
directed by: Maciej Podstawny
set design, costumes, light design: Mirek Kaczmarek
original music and arrangements : Kamil Tuszyński, Anna Stela
video: Amadeusz Nosal
choreography: Katarzyna Zielonka
drama: Łukasz Zaleski, Dorota Kowalkowska
stage manager: Anna Solarek
cast: Joanna Łaganowska, Irena Sierakowska, Karolina Krawiec, Mirka Żak / Roksana Lewak, Anna Stela [g], Bożena Papała [g] / Magda Głocka [g] (cello), Michał Kosela, Rafał Kosowski, Piotr Mokrzycki
The monumental music and the great historical speeches that in the face of the crisis lost all value and need updating. The end of the world can be beautiful. The last grand concert played at the rubbles of our melancholic civilisation. Szaniawski’s greatest hits!
Walbrzych’s version of the end of the world has all our signature traits – it’s ironic, abstract and decadently beautiful.
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