SIENKIEWICZ SUPERSTAR (or a far too late biographical anecdote for the glorious 100th anniversary of regaining independence)


23rd February 2018 / MAIN STAGE

direction: Aneta Groszyńska
text, dramaturgy: Jan Czapliński
scenography, costumes and light designe: Tomasz Walesiak
music: Jerzy Rogiewicz
scenic movement: Mikołaj Karczewski
photos: Natalia Kabanow

cast: Sara Celler-Jezierska, Joanna Łaganowska, Irena Sierakowska, Michał Kosela,
Rafał Kosowski, Piotr Mokrzycki, Filip Perkowski

A biography of a man, who gave Polish people a history and a history of a problem it caused.

The authors of “Zapolska superstar…”, the multiple award winning play, for 100th anniversary of regaining independence, invite us for its sequel – a story about Henryk Sienkiewicz, a very popular and a very unknown author. If Sienkiewicz is considered a patron of a Poles, the performance will be a theatrical biography of 20th century and, at the same time, a trip to Poland AD 2018, celebrating  100th anniversary of regaining independence. What statues will we build on that occasion? Has Sienkiewicz still anything to do with it?

We continue our perverse research of white spots in Polish culture. Is an outside-Sienkiewicz history possible at all? The history, we would be proud of?

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